Warlock #14 CGC NM+ 9.6 White
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- 5 Day(s), 18 Hr(s)
- Auction Ends:
- Dec 09, 2024 11:22:48 PM
- Grade
- CGC NM+ 9.6
- Page Quality
- White
- Pedigree
- none
- CGC Serial Number
- 4378575004
- Census Rank
- 2
- Publish Date
- 8/76
- Category
- Bronze Age Marvels
Continuing the second "Thanos Saga" by Jim Starlin, this bronze age series is very undervalued and Warlock's popularity makes this book tough to find. A superb copy with perfect centering, razor corners and "as new" cover gloss plus BONE WHITE pages. This book shows well and would look great in your collection.