Daredevil #160 CGC NM 9.4 White
- Current Bid:
- $30
- Next Bid:
- $35
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- Number of Bids:
- 1
- Timeleft:
- 6 Day(s), 7 Hr(s)
- Auction Ends:
- Dec 09, 2024 9:51:36 PM
- Grade
- CGC NM 9.4
- Page Quality
- White
- Pedigree
- Newsstand Edition
- CGC Serial Number
- 4313416015
- Census Rank
- 3
- Publish Date
- 9/79
- Category
- Bronze Age Marvels
This third Frank Miller issue has a cool Bullseye/hairdryer cover and looks spectacular. Tightly graded by the CGC, it looks like new and has milk white pages, an exact cut, perfect spine and sharp edges and corners.