Fantastic Four #173 CGC NM/M 9.8 White
- Sold:
- $225
- Status:
- Auction Ended
- Grade
- CGC NM/M 9.8
- Page Quality
- White
- Pedigree
- none
- CGC Serial Number
- 1136798017
- Census Rank
- 1
- Publish Date
- 8/76
- Category
- Bronze Age Marvels
Only the second 9.8 we've ever had or seen! Galactus makes an appearance in this wonderful issue, which features a Kirby cover (who else could pencil Galactus this well) and John Buscema artwork. At 9.8, this book needs no description, introduction or excuses. It is what it is, the world's finest existing copy with fresh milk white paper.